Qualistar Early Learning
Young children form 85 percent of their intellect, personality and social skills by age five, so child care that is focused on learning is critical in helping children to develop well and prepare them for school. These early learning experiences have a life-long impact: infants and toddlers whose care providers emphasize learning are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college, research shows. Despite the importance of early childhood care, studies show that at least one-third of kindergarten students come to school unprepared to learn; only 42 percent of children recognize the difference between letters and numbers, and only 38 percent know how to grasp a pencil and position their writing on paper.
A Better Future for Colorado's Communities

Ensuring Safe and Stimulating Child Care
The quality of child care provided by Lill Leroux in Commerce City has increased tremendously as a result of training she received from Qualistar Early Learning.