Because young people often know about troubling events before they occur, Safe2Tell—developed in response to the Columbine Commission’s recommendations—gives students in all Colorado schools an increased ability to both prevent and report violence by making anonymous calls to 1-877-542-SAFE. The hotline enables students (as well as teachers, parents and others) to provide information about situations that make them feel unsafe, either on the school grounds or in the community, without fear of retribution for reporting such situations.
The Colorado Trust first funded the development and start-up of the Safe2Tell program in 2003 and provided an additional grant in 2006. Numerous other organizations also support the work of Safe2Tell, including the Colorado Department of Public Safety and the Colorado Department of Education. Senate Bill 07-197, signed into law by Gov. Bill Ritter on May 3, 2007, and procedures established by Safe2Tell for receiving and forwarding tips, guarantee the anonymity of every caller. Additionally, the statewide program:
- Provides training and other resources to help schools and communities implement and promote Safe2Tell, whether as a new program or in conjunction with existing programs
- Provides assistance to school officials in addressing unsafe situations
- Runs a centralized database to help track the types of calls received, and how tips are forwarded and resolved
In 2007, the Safe2Tell program was the first recipient of The Colorado Trust’s John R. Moran, Jr. Grantee Leadership Award.
A Better Future for Colorado's Communities

Safe2Tell: Breaking the Code of Silence
Safe2Tell has proven to be a winning community engagement strategy that brings together students, school administrators and staff, law enforcement officials, and health and human services agencies to prevent violence and promote safety on school campuses and in communities across Colorado.
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