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Expanding Outreach and Enrollment for Children and Youth


Using innovative, community-based, multi-ethnic outreach strategies, 19 grantees worked to identify and enroll eligible but uninsured children and youth in Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). Grantees represented county-coordinated collaborations; after-school programs; clinics; agencies serving low-income families, homeless families and abused children; a school district; and an affordable housing provider. Several other publications document this multi-year effort.

Evaluation Findings

Several grantees participated in a Colorado Trust-funded evaluation conducted by the University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center to assess program effectiveness and identify models for replication. Available for download are the full evaluation report and a summary of evaluation highlights. Several other publications document this multi-year effort.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.