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Stories play an important role in illuminating the work and accomplishments of our grantees, community teams and other partners. Stories below are specifically related to The Colorado Trust’s work, and may be filtered by funding initiative. To learn more about inequities and injustices faced by Coloradans, visit our Collective Colorado website, an online outlet for reliable, nonpartisan information about issues that impact the health and well-being of the people living in our state.

Evaluating Evaluation

August 2015

A new survey of 914 Colorado nonprofits found the vast majority conduct evaluation, though using the results in a meaningful way can prove challenging.

Taking On the Inequities of Rural Life

August 2015

By Ned Calonge, MD, MPH Life in rural Colorado has its host of health-related challenges. Yet many of them can be overcome, according to presenters at the Health Equity Learning Series.

A Durable Community in a Mobile Home Park

July 2015

A growing number of Americans are moving into mobile-home parks. In Lago Vista Mobile Home Park on the outskirts of Loveland, some people are hoping to strengthen the park’s sense of community.

Of Hogs and Hot Air

June 2015

By Arden Trewartha Saguache County residents gathered over a hot meal to hear stories about the past, and help plan their community’s future.

Thank You, SCOTUS. Now Let’s Get to Work.

June 2015

By Ned Calonge, MD, MPH The June 2015 Supreme Court ruling in support of federal tax subsidies for health insurance preserved a law that has provided crucial coverage to millions of Americans, including thousands of Coloradans.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.