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Stories play an important role in illuminating the work and accomplishments of our grantees, community teams and other partners. Stories below are specifically related to The Colorado Trust’s work, and may be filtered by funding initiative. To learn more about inequities and injustices faced by Coloradans, visit our Collective Colorado website, an online outlet for reliable, nonpartisan information about issues that impact the health and well-being of the people living in our state.

Colorado Health Institute: Adding Analysis

June 2015

In 2002, AltaVista was still hoping to topple Google. Kids were obsessed with a new gadget called the iPod. And the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) was founded as a warehouse for health data that wasn’t available anywhere else.

How Much Do You Need to Get By in Colorado?

June 2015

By Kristin Jones It varies a lot by where you live. But basic living costs are likely to be unaffordable without help for most low-wage workers in the state, according to a new analysis.

Next Step: Improve Access to Care

June 2015

By Sarah McAfee The Colorado health care community hasn't had the comprehensive vision for access that we have had for coverage. Here’s a first step towards addressing this.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.