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Sustaining Housing Solutions

A modular home is lowered onto its foundation at GES Tierra Colectiva, a community land trust, in the Elyria-Swansea neighborhood of Denver on Aug. 12, 2020. Photo by Joe Mahoney / Special to The Colorado Trust


Housing is an area of primary concern across Colorado. Through the Sustaining Housing Solutions initiative, The Colorado Trust is seeking to increase housing affordability and stability for those who face barriers to living a long and healthy life. The Colorado Trust is funding 19 entities to provide wraparound services or any variety of support that increases access to housing and opportunities to stay housed.


Advocates of Lake County, Inc.

Support for providing crisis response, coordinated entry, case management, rapid rehousing, financial assistance, emergency shelter and street outreach services to Lake County residents with an emphasis on low-income and Latino/a/x populations who are experiencing homelessness.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $354,998

Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.

Support for implementing a housing communications plan to elevate client stories and experiences to reduce the stigma associated with housing instability and homelessness; operating a help line; conducting education and counseling; and providing tailored outreach and housing services.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $344,635

Chaffee Housing Authority

Support for providing emergency and transitional housing and wraparound services to economically disadvantaged individuals and families in Chaffee County.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $322,762

East Colfax Community Collective

Support for providing immediate housing relief, tenant organizing, regulatory enforcement, policy and process advocacy, financial empowerment programs, and implementation of a mixed-income community trust (to grow community ownership of housing) in the East Colfax corridor of the Denver metro area.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $355,000

Fort Lewis College Foundation, Inc.

Support for providing emergency housing, housing navigation, wraparound services and housing stability programming (e.g., tenant rights, how to read and negotiate a lease) to Fort Lewis College students experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $353,171

Habitat for Humanity – Greeley Area

Support for building affordable, single-family homes for economically disadvantaged families, mostly through 3-D printing technology. The effort also trains Aims Community College students on the technology.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $355,000

Hope House Serving Northeastern Colorado

Support for providing transitional housing, case management, life skills and employment support to youth with substance use disorder and system-involved people in northeastern Colorado.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $314,538

Housing Resources of Western Colorado

Support for providing homeownership support, HUD-approved housing counseling, home ownership classes, employer-funded mini-grants, and a purchase assistance loan program serving people with low incomes, rural immigrants and communities of color.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $355,000

Impact Charitable

Support for providing older adults of color in Eagle and Garfield counties with one-time stabilization grants (e.g., for mortgage assistance, back-owed property taxes, home safety upgrades and more).

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $353,968

Kingdom Builder’s Family Life Center

Support for providing housing support and wraparound services to primarily Black women and children survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence and sexual assault.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $346,193

La Puente Home

Support for providing housing support and case management services to people experiencing homelessness in Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande and Saguache counties.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $354,655

Manna – The Durango Soup Kitchen

Support for providing assistance to households in La Plata and San Juan counties with rental, utility and home repair funds. Additionally, this project is working with landlords and property managers to decrease barriers in housing navigation, and implementing strategies to reduce the stigma associated with people experiencing housing insecurity.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $355,000

Neighbor to Neighbor

Support for providing emergency rent, utility, housing search and move-in assistance, and additional wraparound support services for historically and systemically excluded and underserved communities in Larimer and Weld counties.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $350,000

Paradox Community Trust

Support for conducting bilingual outreach and providing 1:1 assistance to monolingual, Spanish-speaking Latino/a/x immigrants in Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel counties. The project also offers down payment assistance and mortgage guarantee programs, as well as specialized startup assistance programs for its early childhood education workforce housing project.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $325,000

Sister Carmen Community Center, Inc.

Support for providing multi-month rent assistance to economically disadvantaged families in Boulder and Weld counties, and offering tax assistance to mobile homeowners at risk of losing their homes.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $355,000

Spark Community Foundation

Support for unhoused youth ages 12-24 through housing and wraparound services, including outreach, screening and assessment, shelter and housing, intensive case management, and service linkages, monitoring and aftercare.

For more information, visit the organization’s Facebook page.

Grant amount: $349,788

The Gathering Place

Support for providing housing assistance and case management services to women, transgender and gender-expansive adults and their children.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $355,000

United Way – Morgan County Colorado

Support for providing housing assistance and wraparound services to unhoused and undocumented people as well as refugees or asylum seekers in Morgan County.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $352,184

West Mountain Regional Health Alliance

Support for expanding the organization’s Valley Alliance to End Homelessness initiative, which aims to meet the housing needs of migrants, refugees and immigrants in the Roaring Fork Valley.

For more information, visit the organization’s website.

Grant amount: $355,000


Saira Yasmin Hamidi

Program Manager

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.