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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

The Center for African American Health


Supported the redesign of the organization’s website.

Denver Indian Family Resource Center


Supported the organization’s efforts to plan for future sustainability.

Clínica Tepeyac


Support for a major gifts officer position at the organization.

Young Aspiring Americans for Social & Political Activism


Supported three college internship positions at Young Aspiring Americans for Social & Political Activism, as well as the instruction of a civic engagement course at Aurora West College Preparatory Academy.

United for a New Economy


Supported the Transformative Leadership for Change fellowship program, which encourages a select cohort of executive directors of color to work towards advancing social change and justice in Colorado.

Town of Manzanola


Supported the purchase and installation of equipment to improve the playground in the town of Manzanola, Colo.

The Bell Policy Center


Supported The Bell Policy Center‘s Middle-Class Economic Analysis Project, which aims to provide longitudinal data and analysis on the economic well-being of Colorado’s middle-class households and generate information relevant to health equity, economic opportunity and other issues.

Manazola School District 3J


Supported the installation of a water filtration vending system at the school, as well as the provision of free monthly water to Manazola residents.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.