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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

Kids at Their Best, Inc.


Funding for a new Kaboom playground in Fort Morgan, Colo.

Rural Communities Resource Center


Via Yuma’s Community Partnerships resident team, funding for the Blessing Box, a small building to hold personal necessities made available to community members in need.

Yuma Children’s Academy


Via Yuma’s Community Partnerships resident team, funding for security enhancements to the child care center.

Rural Communities Resource Center


Via Yuma’s Community Partnerships resident team, support for the Y.U.M.A. Emergency Fund to assist local families and individuals with emergency financial needs, such as health care supplies, transportation, rental assistance and more.

Rural Communities Resource Center


Via Yuma’s Community Partnerships resident team, funding to purchase healthy snacks for pre-K through third grade students in Yuma schools.

City of Yuma


Via Yuma’s Community Partnerships resident team, tuition assistance for students interested in enrolling in emergency medical technician classes.

Los Pobres, Inc.


Via Avondale’s Community Partnerships team, funding for services and engagement with the Spanish-speaking population in the region.

The Leaders Initiative


Support for the QF Community Leadership Foundation’s efforts to highlight best practices in public-private partnerships and collaboration in Colorado.

Brother Jeff’s Cultural Center


Supported the organization in addressing community violence through a trauma-informed intervention.

El Pueblo History Museum


Support for the Avondale Neighborhood Memory Project in Avondale, Colo.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.