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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

Costilla County Economic Development Council


Funding to create and organize a media resource center as part of the Sangre de Cristo Heritage Center, for the purpose of archiving and documenting current collections and Adelante San Luis media projects. Via Adelante San Luis, the San Luis, Colo. resident team participating in The Trust’s Community Partnerships strategy.

Conejos County Clean Water, Inc.


Funding for a youth advisory council initiative. Via the Antonito, Colo. resident team taking part in The Trust’s Community Partnerships strategy.

Colorado Nonprofit Association


Funding for the start-up and launch costs for a state income tax form checkbox allowing people to donate to a Colorado nonprofit.

City of Yuma


Per Yuma’s Community Partnerships resident team, funding for CPR and first-aid training equipment for the city’s ambulance service.

Center for Health Progress


Funding to launch a pilot health equity fellowship program during the 2019 state legislative session.

Centennial School District R-1


Support for entrepreneurial and social-emotional skill development in the San Luis community; and support for hiring a Spanish-language instructor.

America’s Kids Belong – Colorado Chapter


General operating support for an organization working to create better lives for children in foster care.

Family Star


Funding to support staff training in trauma-informed education.

Enterprise Community Partners, Inc


Funding for the Colorado Rural Rental Housing Preservation Academy.

Colorado West, Inc.


Funding for simultaenous interpretation equipment at Mind Springs Health.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.