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1225 results

Philanthropy Colorado


General operating support.

West Mountain Regional Health Alliance


Support for providing housing assistance and wraparound services to immigrants and refugees, specifically recent arrivals from Venezuela.  

United Way – Morgan County Colorado


Support for providing housing support and wraparound services to unhoused and undocumented people and families who are refugees or asylum seekers.

The Gathering Place


Support for providing housing assistance and case management services to women, transgender and gender-expansive adults and their children. 

Spark Community Foundation


Support for serving unhoused youth by providing housing and wraparound services, including outreach, screening and assessment, shelter and housing and intensive case management.  

Sister Carmen Community Center, Inc.


Support for providing multi-month rental assistance to economically disadvantaged families and tax assistance to mobile homeowners at risk of losing their homes. 

Pueblo Rescue Mission


Support for emergency shelter operations and case management services to adults experiencing homelessness; launching a marketing campaign to increase the visibility of services and decrease the stigma surrounding unhoused people; and launching a major gifts campaign for sustaining increased services.  

Paradox Community Trust


Support for conducting bilingual outreach, assisting monolingual Spanish-speaking Latino/a/x immigrants, and implementing down payment assistance and mortgage guarantee programs and specialized startup assistance programs for a joint, modular early childhood education/workforce housing project.

Neighbor to Neighbor


Support for providing emergency rent, utility, housing search and move-in assistance, and additional wraparound support services for diverse and marginalized communities.

Manna – The Durango Soup Kitchen


Support for proving Spanish-speaking, Latino/a/x and immigrant households with rental, utility and home repair funding, for working with landlords and property managers to create more housing access for monolingual Spanish-speaking and undocumented households, and for implementing marketing strategies to reduce the stigma associated with people experiencing housing insecurity. 

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.