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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

Community Partnership for Child Development


Direct support for low-income families with children enrolled in classes at the Helen Hunt campus in the Hillside neighborhood of Colorado Springs. (COVID-19 response grant)

Pikes Peak Community Foundation


Support for COVID-19 relief efforts in southeast Colorado Springs and Fountain, Colo. (COVID-19 response grant)

Los Pobres, Inc.


Support for undocumented workers. (COVID-19 response grant)

Catholic Charities of Central Colorado


Support for rent and utility assistance, emergency food support and other essential needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds are administered through the Family Connections Program at the Helen Hunt Center in the Hillside neighborhood of Colorado Springs. (COVID-19 response grant)

San Luis Valley Immigrant Resource Center


Support to assist immigrant families in covering rent and utility expenses. (COVID-19 response grant)

Care and Share, Inc.


Support for Care and Share’s food bank and hunger relief efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically through the Fountain Mobile Food Pantry. (COVID-19 response grant)

Early Childhood Council for Yuma, Washington and Kit Carson Counties


Support for working with family home providers and a child care center as they continue to care for children of essential employees. (COVID-19 response grant)

PikeRide Inc.


Support for free, unlimited 30-minute rides for all community members, to promote and enable single-passenger transportation options and a healthy way to stay active while maintaining social distancing. (COVID-19 response grant)

Regional Home Visitation (Baby Bear Hugs)


Support to continue family visitations via videoconference or telephone; and to purchase office and school supplies to distribute to families. (COVID-19 response grant)

Baker Elementary School PTO


Support for English language learning at Baker Elementary School. Per Fort Morgan Cultures United for Progress, the Community Partnerships team in Fort Morgan.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.