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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

Rocky Mountain Public Broadcasting Network, Inc.


Conducted local outreach in support of the Frontline film Sick Around the World, which explores how other industrialized countries deliver health care and what the United States might learn from their experience. A follow-up film, Sick Around America, focuses on the 225 million Americans under 65 not covered by Medicaid or Medicare who seek access to health care via the private insurance market. Learn more.

Patient-centered Medical Home Pilot Evaluation


A multi-state, quasi-experimental evaluation of the Patient-centered Medical Home (PCMH) model in Colorado was conducted by the Harvard University School of Public Health. This evaluation identified factors associated with the implementation of the PCMH model as well as the outcomes related to patient and physician experiences, changes in quality of care measures and cost. With claims data from the participating insurance companies, the evaluation examined utilization and costs for patients in the pilot sites relative to similar patients in the comparison groups.



In honor of John R. Moran, Jr.’s long-time leadership of The Colorado Trust, a special fund of $250,000 established the John R. Moran, Jr. Grantee Leadership Award. From 2007 to 2016, one current Trust grantee was selected annually to receive $25,000 in recognition of outstanding leadership to advance the health and well-being of the people within the community the grantee serves.

Colorado 5 Million Lives Campaign


Helped hospitals across the state to further strengthen their quality improvement systems, ensuring safe patient care. Learn more.

Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing


Funding to strengthen staff, planning, outreach and public education efforts to support the development and implementation of health care system improvements in Colorado. As well, through the Colorado Governor’s Building Blocks to Health Care Reform and Executive Order D 005 08, the establishment of the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) to identify and pursue strategies for quality improvement, cost containment and improved population health.

Office of the Colorado Governor


Supported a staff position in the Colorado Governor’s Policy Office to assist with the implementation of laws that will increase access to health for all Coloradans.

Colorado School Health Improvement


Helped to expand care provided through school-based health centers, including primary and preventive physical, dental and behavioral health care. Learn more.

Equality in Health – Evaluation


An evaluation of the Equality in Health effort by Community Science examined the link between the increases in grantee organization’s cultural competency and reduced health disparities.

Healthy Aging – Evaluation


An independent evaluation was conducted by the National Research Center, Inc. to determine whether providing technical assistance to build the capacity of grantee organizations helped to improve their ability to serve seniors. Grantees reported program-level outcomes, and the evaluation examined associations between these outcomes and increased organizational capacity.

Homelessness Prevention


Provided support for the administration of the Homeless Prevention Tax, and committed funding to support Denver’s Road Home, a national model for helping to end homelessness.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.