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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

Innovation Network


Support for the Innovation Network to lead a team of Colorado evaluators in partnering with select Trust grantees to measure the effectiveness of their advocacy efforts to expand access to health in a changing health policy landscape.

New America Foundation


Together with the University of Denver’s Center for Colorado’s Economic Future, the New America Foundation developed an in-depth report on the economic case for health reform. This report assessed and explained the balance between the likely costs of reform and the potential economic benefits of reform so that business leaders, policymakers and the public could have a more informed debate about Colorado’s self-interest in health system reform.

Partnership for a Healthy Colorado


Brought together a diverse coalition of business, labor and advocacy organizations to collectively educate communities statewide about the opportunity to achieve meaningful health care reform, engage in ongoing discussions about solutions to the health care crisis and encourage lawmakers to take action.

Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing


Supported a new staff position, increasing outreach to and enrollment of children who are eligible for but not enrolled in Medicaid or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+).

Colorado Covering Kids & Families (Colorado Community Health Network)


Supported a comprehensive Colorado Community Health Network review of administrative and policy options to simplify and streamline Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) eligibility and enrollment process, including opportunities to reduce barriers based on federal policies and successful practices in other states.

Expanding Outreach and Enrollment for Children & Youth


Using innovative, community-based, multi-ethnic outreach strategies, 19 grantees worked to identify and enroll eligible but uninsured children and youth in Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). Grantees represented county-coordinated collaborations; after-school programs; clinics; agencies serving low-income families, homeless families and abused children; a school district; and an affordable housing provider. Several grantees also participated in a Trust-funded evaluation conducted by the University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center to assess program effectiveness and identify models for replication. Learn more.

Cavity Free at Three


Through the Colorado Area Health Education Center, supported Cavity Free at Three in preventing oral disease in young children statewide by changing delivery systems, and strengthening the capacity of safety nets to provide preventive oral health services to high-risk, high-need pregnant women and their babies (up to age 3). Educated dentists, physicians, nurses, dental hygienists and public health practitioners about early childhood caries, and provided them tools to further promote oral disease prevention education and services. Co-funded with Caring for Colorado Foundation, Colorado Health Foundation, Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation, Rose Community Foundation and Kaiser Permanente.



Supported Colorado non-federally qualified health centers to build their administrative and service capacity in order to secure additional public funding, thereby enabling them to serve more children and low-income working families, particularly in parts of the state where these clinics are the only option for care.

Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program


Provided support services that enable and encourage private pediatric and family practices to devote at least 10% of their practice to publicly insured children, including an enhanced reimbursement program that CCHAP offers in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, Rocky Mountain Health Plans and Colorado Access that promotes and rewards comprehensive preventive health care. Learn more.

Colorado Health Outcomes Program (University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center)


Conducted a review of Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) claims data to compare costs, utilization and outcomes for children seen by a Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Practice to those for children in unassigned Medicaid fee-for-service care in order to strengthen efforts to expand medical homes to Colorado Medicaid patients.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.