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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

Colorado Area Health Education Centers (University of Colorado Foundation)


Supported consumer training in advocacy through five regional AHEC centers statewide focusing on policy changes to expand access to health.

Colorado Center on Law & Policy


Given the various options to expand health coverage—whether through an individual mandate requiring everyone to purchase health insurance or any plan to expand coverage through low-cost insurance products—the Colorado Center on Law & Policy conducted an affordability study to help policymakers, health advocates and consumers understand the factors that influence Coloradans’ ability to pay for health coverage.

Colorado Children’s Campaign


Supported the Colorado Children’s Campaign in developing a health cost model and advocating for fiscal and policy changes to improve the health care system through “Looking Forward,” a collaborative project with the Bell Policy Center and Colorado Fiscal Policy Institute, as well as other funders and nonprofit advocacy organizations.

Colorado Consumer Health Initiative


Supported the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative‘s work to increase awareness and educate health consumers statewide about barriers to health access, and strengthen advocacy efforts for policy changes to increase access to health care.

Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing


The department conducted the 2008 Colorado Statewide Household Survey to understand state-specific uninsurance and underinsurance rates, as well as factors that influence and are associated with these rates, to inform state policy decisions related to insurance and establish baseline data by which the state can monitor progress in expanding health coverage.

Colorado Fiscal Policy Institute (Colorado Center on Law & Policy)


Supporting efforts to advocate for fiscal and policy changes to improve the health care system through “Looking Forward,” a collaborative project with the Bell Policy Center and Colorado Children’s Campaign, as well as other funders and nonprofit advocacy organizations.

Colorado Multi-ethnic Cultural Consortium


Funding to provide a meaningful voice for ethnically and geographically diverse health consumers, including faith communities, on mental health, health and behavioral health.

Colorado Rural Health Center


Supported the Colorado Rural Health Center‘s efforts to ensure that state policy and health leaders understand and support the health needs of rural Colorado through a combination of efforts including research, education, communications and advocacy.

Dr. A.J. Kauvar Foundation


Supported the Dr. A.J. Kauvar Foundation‘s work to provide scholarships to religious leaders to participate in an intensive seminar focused on increasing their knowledge about access to health care policy issues in Colorado; provide them with effective models and strategies to foster health advocacy; and develop an action plan to strengthen their congregations’ involvement in advancing health care reform.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.