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Current Funding Initiatives
Past Funding Initiatives
1178 results



Supported Colorado non-federally qualified health centers to build their administrative and service capacity in order to secure additional public funding, thereby enabling them to serve more children and low-income working families, particularly in parts of the state where these clinics are the only option for care.

Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program


Provided support services that enable and encourage private pediatric and family practices to devote at least 10% of their practice to publicly insured children, including an enhanced reimbursement program that CCHAP offers in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, Rocky Mountain Health Plans and Colorado Access that promotes and rewards comprehensive preventive health care. Learn more.

Colorado Health Outcomes Program (University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center)


Conducted a review of Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) claims data to compare costs, utilization and outcomes for children seen by a Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Practice to those for children in unassigned Medicaid fee-for-service care in order to strengthen efforts to expand medical homes to Colorado Medicaid patients.

Early Childhood Health Integration


Supported Colorado’s network of Early Childhood Councils—community-based collaboratives that connect children and families to resources and quality services in early care and education, health, mental health and family support—to better integrate health services and systems into their local early childhood system development efforts. Learn more.

Office of the Colorado First Lady


Provided leadership and promoted collaboration to address community-specific behavioral health concerns; diminished the stigma of mental illness through greater awareness and understanding; increased early detection and treatment, and improved overall behavioral health outcomes for Coloradans.

The Rocky Mountain Youth Clinics


Supported Rocky Mountain Youth Clinics in bringing consistent primary, mental and dental health care to children in their communities—particularly for families that have difficulty accessing health care through the traditional system—through clinics, mobile health care vans that serve rural and metro-area counties, and by establishing and servicing new school-based health centers.

Collaborative Scopes of Care Study


Supported a Colorado Health Institute-led study of the scopes of care for advance practice nurses, physician assistants and dental hygienists, pursuant to Executive Order B 003 08, to inform legislative discussion in the 2009 session.

Colorado Area Health Education Centers (University of Colorado Foundation)


The Colorado AHECs and the University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center are working to encourage rural and underserved high school students to explore health profession careers. The AHECs are also administering a health care scholars program to graduate students in health professions education and training who opt to practice in rural or other underserved sites. Most significantly, this grant developed and supported a multidisciplinary curriculum and training program for rural track health professions students.

Colorado Health Institute


Supported the Colorado Health Institute in building the statewide Health Professions Database to ensure that programs and policies are data-driven and can more strategically address Colorado’s provider shortage. Also developed an inventory of health professions academic programs and workforce initiatives in Colorado; as well as conducted workforce, scopes of care, and supply and demand studies.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.