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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

The Buddy Program


Rural Philanthropy Days grantee. Click here to learn more.

San Luis Valley Area Health Education Center


Rural Philanthropy Days grantee. Click here to learn more.

San Luis Valley Mental Health


Rural Philanthropy Days grantee. Click here to learn more.

La Puente Home


Rural Philanthropy Days grantee. Click here to learn more.

Medical Clean Claims, Transparency & Uniformity Task Force


Supported the work of the Medical Clean Claims, Transparency & Uniformity Task Force (formed as a result of the Colorado legislature’s passage of House Bill 10-1332), with a goal of having providers, payers and government representatives develop a uniform set of insurance codes and payment rules to be employed by all payers having contracts with health care providers; and significantly reduce the cost of administrative redundancies through standardization, consistency, transparency and appropriate savings to the health care system.

Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC)


Supported CIVHC staff and operations to better identify and pursue strategies for quality improvement, cost containment and value across the health care system to improve the health of the population. Learn more.

Colorado Health Institute


Support for the Colorado Health Access Survey, a biannual survey in Colorado of health care coverage, access and utilization that included data collection, analysis and reporting of results.

Colorado Black Health Collaborative, Inc.


Supported the development of a health resource guide for the African-American/Black community.

Affordable Care Eligibility Coordinator (The Colorado Health Foundation)


Partnered with the Colorado Health Foundation to support consulting services to the State of Colorado necessary to develop a strategic plan to improve state eligibility determination, verification and enrollment systems, as required under the Affordable Care Act.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.