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Current Funding Initiatives
Past Funding Initiatives
1178 results

Colorado Health Institute


Supported the Colorado Health Institute in building the statewide Health Professions Database to ensure that programs and policies are data-driven and can strategically address Colorado’s provider shortage.

Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program


In honor of John R. Moran, Jr.’s long-time leadership of The Colorado Trust, a special fund of $250,000 established the John R. Moran, Jr. Grantee Leadership Award. From 2007 to 2016, one current Trust grantee was selected annually to receive $25,000 in recognition of outstanding leadership to advance the health and well-being of the people within the community the grantee serves.

Colorado Rural Health Center


Supported the Colorado Rural Health Center in administering the Colorado Provider Recruitment Program to recruit and retain approximately 19 providers annually to work in rural and underserved communities.

Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence – Nurse Workforce


Supported the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence to conduct a study to identify effective models and systems that involve direct care nurses in decisions related to patient care and nurse work environments.

WGBH Educational Foundation


Supported production of the Frontline film Sick Around America, which explores the critical choices Americans face in attempting to access health coverage and care.

University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center, Department of Health and Behavioral Sciences


Conducted an evaluation of public insurance outreach and enrollment programs in community-based organizations funded by The Trust. The evaluation determined the programs’ impact on enrollment, retention and utilization of Colorado’s public health insurance programs. For select grantees, the team also conducted a cost analysis to examine the cost per client of implementing a case management approach to Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) and Medicaid outreach, enrollment and retention.

BUILD Initiative


Through a national conference held in Denver in February 2009 (co-sponsored by Columbia University’s National Center for Children in Poverty), helped state leaders build on emerging best practices from around the country to integrate the health system into the broader early childhood development system. Co-sponsored the November 2010 BUILD Initiative national conference on the Health Community’s Role in Supporting Young Children’s Social and Emotional Development.

Cavity Free at Three – Evaluation


Researchers at Denver Health and the University of Colorado School of Medicine used a randomized, controlled trial to determine the impact of Cavity Free at Three on the prevalence of dental caries in children under three years of age. The evaluation also assessed parent and caregiver satisfaction with the program, changes in knowledge and behavior of program trainees, and clinical barriers to program adoption. The evaluation was co-funded by The Trust, Caring for Colorado Foundation, Colorado Health Foundation, Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation, Rose Community Foundation and Kaiser Permanente.

HealthTeamWorks – Patient-centered Medical Home Pilot


Along with The Commonwealth Fund, HealthTeamWorks implemented a patient-centered medical home demonstration project in Colorado to improve primary care delivery by aligning high-quality, coordinated care with financial incentives.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.