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Current Funding Initiatives
Past Funding Initiatives
1178 results

County of Boulder – Colorado PEAK


Developed and implemented a statewide train-the-trainer and toolkit model to promote and support use of the new Colorado Program Eligibility and Application Kit (PEAK), an online application to help individuals and families apply online for medical and food assistance benefits.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment


Supported the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment‘s Colorado Health Service Corps Educational Loan Forgiveness program (Office of Primary Care), to improve the health of Colorado’s underserved and vulnerable populations by alleviating health disparities resulting from a shortage of primary health care professionals. This purpose was achieved in part by repaying all or a portion of the educational loan debt of primary care health professionals who agreed to practice in a community with a known shortage of providers for a period of service.

Project Health Colorado


Through a combination of communications, advocacy, leadership, media and network-building efforts, Project Health Colorado helped to increase awareness, understanding and support for making health coverage and health care work better for every Coloradan. This effort to build public will for improved access to health blended grassroots strategies and an overarching communications campaign. Project Health Colorado also included a rigorous, independent evaluation plan to gauge progress toward the overall intended outcomes of the strategy. Learn more.

Office of Suicide Prevention – Gatekeeper Training Program


Supported the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Office of Suicide Prevention in training individuals throughout Colorado to be suicide prevention “gatekeepers”—those likely to come into contact with individuals who may be at risk for suicide and connect the suicidal person to the resource(s) he/she needs.

Collaboration Technical Assistance Project


Provided supplemental technical assistance to Early Childhood Councils and other Children’s Access to Health Care grantees to improve collaboration and create strategic alliances.

Center for Health Progress


Supported efforts by the All Kids Covered Initiative to examine the status of children’s access to health coverage and health care throughout Colorado.

Center for Health Progress


Supported efforts to advocate for improved health care outcomes and experiences for low- and moderate-income Coloradans.

Colorado Health Institute


Supported the Colorado Health Institute‘s development of a series of issue briefs based on the Colorado Household Survey data, to inform policymakers nationally and in Colorado on health care reform efforts.

University of Denver – State Fiscal Study


Supported a comprehensive study of state and local government financing in Colorado to improve the state’s ability to expand health coverage and care.

Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC)


Supported planning and development of the Colorado All Payer Claims Database by CIVHC for the purpose of transparent public reporting of health care information. Learn more.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.