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Current Funding Initiatives
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

Loving Beyond Understanding, Inc.


Support for expanding social support and safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people of all ages and intersections, increasing program staff and drop-in hours at LGBTQ+ centers, offering gender-diverse cultural awareness training to mental health and social service providers and establishing specialized counseling services, including via telehealth for rural communities.

Inside Out Youth Services


Support for increasing access to culturally responsive behavioral health care for LGBTQ+ youth via partnerships extending the care network, strengthening youth leadership and peer support networks, implementing trauma-informed prevention and intervention programs, working with youth to advocate for youth rights and resources, and enhancing community connections for youth as a mental health protection strategy.

Heart-J Center for Experiential Learning


Support for providing customized outdoor experiences through a nature-based mental health support program, fostering personal growth, community bonding and skills building for wellness and mindfulness. 

Gunnison Hinsdale Youth Services


Funding for collaboration supporting diverse approaches to behavioral health for youth and families, improving referrals, screenings and intervention processes for youth facing adverse childhood experiences, and for providing universal social-emotional learning, mentoring and school-based mental health support.  

Girls Inc. of Metro Denver


Support for expanding and improving mental and behavioral health programming for 18-year-old girls, increasing access to mental and behavioral health care options and services for the girls and their families through hiring a full-time mental health provider, evaluating current programs and integrating mental health practices across all age groups. 

Eagle County School District


Support for implementing restorative practices in four middle schools and eight elementary schools for improving school culture, reducing racial disparities in discipline and promoting positive behavioral health for students of color, LGBTQ+ students and students with disabilities. 

Centennial Mental Health Center, Inc.


Support for expanding culturally and linguistically informed care for patients by increasing the number of multilingual providers, certified medical translators, video-based interpretive services and diversity trainings.  

CASA of Larimer County


Support for addressing the gap in transitional behavioral health care in the child welfare system by delivering Trust-Based Relational Intervention, a trauma-informed and evidence-based curriculum, to caregivers and systems professionals. 

Asian Girls Ignite


Support for mentorship, group workshops and community events to bolster participants’ confidence, leadership skills and sense of self. (Fiscal sponsor: The HadaNõu Collective)

Alliance Against Domestic Abuse


Support for services, education and social change for people affected by intimate partner and sexual violence, and for offering clinical counseling, restorative practices, therapeutic visitation services and collaborative community programming to address mental health crises and improve access to care.  

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.